Insights & News 2023-05-31T09:04:35+00:00

We Believe the World is Being Totally Connected with Digital Intelligence

We design and deliver Green Efficient Data Center Infrastructure to build foundation of digital future.

Condensate: Important but Neglected Issue of Micro Data Center

Micro Data Center (MDC) products are designed to meet the needs of modern IT infrastructure deployment, to achieve rapid construction and optimized management. MDC adopts an integrated design to package multiple key systems such as rack, uninterrupted power supply, precision cooling, DCIM & local monitoring, and security systems, as a total pre-engineered solution. MDC products with the above [...]

By | September 3rd, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|

Business Opportunities of Edge Computing for Hardware Companies from McKinsey

Do you know the edge computing hardware business values 200Billion USD in next 5-10 years per McKinsey estimation? What business opportunities you may benefit in this industry wave? Check here what McKinsey detected the more than 100 use cases and 11 sectors that will adopt edge computing technology. Why edge computing is important for so many industries and [...]

By | August 19th, 2019|Edge Computing, Micro Modular Data Center|

Micro Data Center – The Future Ready Choice for Modern Enterprise IT

Over the last several years, the move to the cloud has stabilized as the applications that could be easily and cost effectively outsourced, were moved to the cloud. The applications left on premise are simply too integrated into local operations or too expensive to move. This forced a change to the way data center staffs manage their assets [...]

By | August 13th, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|

Disruptive Data Center Technologies from Uptime Survey

The data center industry is keep evolving, and  there coming new technologies updating the industry to a better level. Uptime shared us an excellent survey about the disruptive data center technologies from industry experts and CXOs. You may find how fast and how likely from the technologies map of the industry top professionals expect these technologies trends. The [...]

By | August 3rd, 2019|Data Center, Micro Modular Data Center|

Questionnaires for Micro Data Center Design

The micro data center is a standalone data center has all the functions of a traditional room type data center. Its quite different from traditional data center building method. As a trusted professional partner of Micro data center (MDC) products, what questions and information shall you ask and collect from customers? Check below the question checklist we prepared [...]

By | August 1st, 2019|AC/DC Power, DCIM, Micro Modular Data Center, Precision Cooling, Security|

Better Protection of Micro Data Centers with Intelligent Access Control System

Security for micro data centers is especially important as the Micro Data Center products are often used in unattended or open scenarios, other than traditionally in a controlled dedicated room. That's why at Attom we adopt the most advanced access control systems to protect your valuable IT assets. Multiple access method: fingerprint, password and RFID; Personnel rights management; [...]

By | July 24th, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|

TIA Position Paper – Edge Data Centers

Data center is facing enormous challenges and opportunities brought by new technologies and new demands. The development and application of 5G, AI and IoT technology put forward new requirements for data center. We need to rethink how traditional data centers are designed and deployed. To meet the needs of low latency and localization, deploying many smaller distributed data [...]

By | July 18th, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|

Requirements of Server HW for Edge Computing

With the rapid development of 5G technology, high-bandwidth and low-latency network transmissions are possible, which will bring more edge computing scenarios to the ground. Faced with distributed edge computing scenarios, power distribution, cooling, monitoring, and IT hardware are all different from current cloud computing infrastructure. In OCP summit, NOKIA has proposed server hardware solutions for application scenarios of [...]

By | June 29th, 2019|Industry News|

What Is Micro Data Center

When people think about the data center, they always think that in a very large building. There are a lot of cabinets neatly arranged, cabinets filled with servers, and servers are shining positive light. It looks cool. A data center is a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. [...]

By | June 21st, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|

How to Maximize Your IT Space of Containerized Micro Data Center

With the vigorous development of 5G, IoT, edge computing and other information technologies, the data center industry is in a period of rapid development. The micro data center oriented to edge computing will promote the faster and better landing of edge computing, and promote the information process of the whole society. AgileCub Container Edge Data Center adopts SmoothAir [...]

By | June 15th, 2019|Precision Cooling|

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