We Believe the World is Being Totally Connected with Digital Intelligence
We design and deliver Green Efficient Data Center Infrastructure to build foundation of digital future.
Micro Data Center for Edge Colocation

The next wave of technology innovation is already here with new applications transforming the way we live, work, and travel. The huge adoption of these new services drives exponential growth in the total demand for data. We must provide more data capacity and higher computing speeds if we hope to keep up. The sheer scale and scope of the gap we face demands that we re-think the way we have traditionally organized the design and deployment of networks and data centers. As many hands make light work, deploying many smaller distributed data centers seem the most viable solution. Bell Labs predicted that 60% of servers would be placed in an Edge Data Center by 2025.
Edge data will range from small clusters of “Edge Cloud” resources located on a street light, to a few racks located in a shelter at the base of a cell tower, inside buildings or in a building behind the corner gas station, to a self contained ready-to-drop and plug-in container.
Attom Micro Data Center solution will help Colo-cation provider saving cost, simplify deployment and management, while is easy to duplicate across the distributed sites.
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