Disruptive Data Center Technologies from Uptime Survey

    The data center industry is keep evolving, and  there coming new technologies updating the industry to a better level. Uptime shared us an excellent survey about the disruptive data center technologies from industry experts and CXOs. You may find how fast and how likely from the technologies map of the industry top professionals expect these technologies trends. The top 3 [...]

    By | 2019-08-03T08:14:52+00:00 August 3rd, 2019|Data Center, Micro Modular Data Center|0 Comments

      When Micro Data Center Meets Edge Computing Revolution

      We happily prepared an industry application guide: <When Micro Data Center Meets Edge Computing Revolution> for your kind information. Download here. Happy new year and wish you a great 2019 to start! Why Edge Computing Needs Micro Data Center? For many services, however, placing micro data centers on the edge is not just a matter of convenience, but necessity. Self-driving cars, [...]

      By | 2019-03-30T06:46:36+00:00 January 8th, 2019|Micro Modular Data Center|0 Comments