Build Fast, Build Smart – Container Prefabricated Data Center Solutions

    Mobile and Cloud Era brings hyperscale data centers have been deployed at carefully selected location that far away from end users. But as data centers are migrating to higher speeds to meet growing demands for data, cloud services and AI, aiming for higher reliability and lower latency.That makes two clear directions for the development of Data Center: high-density and edging [...]

      Ashrae’s New Thermal Guideline Update: A New High Density Trend

      The most recent version of the ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines includes a new class of IT equipment called the H1 envelope. The H1 envelope is a new class of IT equipment that was introduced in the 2021 ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines. H1 systems are high-density systems that tightly integrate a number of high-powered components, such as server processors, accelerators, memory chips, and [...]

      By | 2023-10-19T08:35:37+00:00 October 19th, 2023|Data Center, Precision Cooling|0 Comments

        DELL: How 5G Transforms Cloud Computing

        In this article, Dell believes 5G and cloud computing together will be transforming central data center and remote edge data centers, and it discussed all aspects of ICT industry which may be emerging with the 5G coming, from NFV, SDN, MEC, Telco Cloud, Micro Data Center and 5G Cloudlets. It predicts the industry will need many micro data centers at [...]

        By | 2021-01-15T13:50:48+00:00 January 15th, 2021|Data Center, Edge Computing|0 Comments

          Maximize Efficiency of Existing Cooling System in Data Center

          As the service life of a data center increases, more and more IT equipment is usually added to run the business, and the corresponding cooling conditions may not be able to meet existing requirements. This will cause the ambient temperature of the data center to rise rapidly, affecting IT Normal operation of the device. Especially in traditional room-level cooling data [...]

            Disruptive Data Center Technologies from Uptime Survey

            The data center industry is keep evolving, and  there coming new technologies updating the industry to a better level. Uptime shared us an excellent survey about the disruptive data center technologies from industry experts and CXOs. You may find how fast and how likely from the technologies map of the industry top professionals expect these technologies trends. The top 3 [...]

            By | 2019-08-03T08:14:52+00:00 August 3rd, 2019|Data Center, Micro Modular Data Center|0 Comments