Harnessing the edge opportunity is key for 5G success

By | 2019-10-22T11:02:03+00:00 October 22nd, 2019|Industry News|0 Comments

At Attom,we believe that it is time for edge computing and 5G to emerge, they will promote mutual development and bring beautiful imagination and change to the world.

In this report, we can see Ericsson’s insights on 5G and edge computing.

edge computing and 5G

With increasing interest in new use cases like smart manufacturing and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR), as well as upcoming 5G radio networks, there is a clear need for distributed networks.By 2023, 5G will make up around one-fifth of all mobile data traffic, with subscription uptake forecast to reach 1 billion. 4G LTE has also exploded since its launch in 2010, accounting for some 50 percent of total traffic in 2017 and still growing. Distributed cloud computing is paving the way for the future of network communications and, rather than waiting for 5G, operators should build tomorrow’s networks today.

What is the edge?
Edge computing provides execution resources (compute and storage) with sufficient connectivity (networking) at close proximity to the data sources, typically within or at the boundary of access networks. Additionally, deployments within the customer premises managed or hosted by the operator are possible, for example in homes, enterprises and factory floors, as well as vehicles, including trains, planes and private cars. The core benefits of edge solutions are low latency, high bandwidth, and trusted computing and storage.

5G use cases and revenue potential for edge computing

Ericsson conducted an extensive study on the 5G business potential for operators showing that, between 2020 and 2024, the 5G revenue potential for operators will grow from USD 14 to 129 billion.

edge computing and 5G

Challenges and requirements for implementing edge solutions

Service providers must distribute to meet the needs of 5G applications.

edge computing and 5g

Check the report here. [Source]

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